Pasture raised vs grass fed vs organic. What does it all mean? Part 1 of 2

Is it organic? Grass-fed? Grass-finished? Pasture-raised? Food producers use a baffling number of terms and claims to describe their products. These labels can be confusing, but understanding what these terms mean can help you make the best choices for the environment, your personal preferences, and the health of your family when purchasing meat.

There is a lot of overlap between organic and grass-fed beef because both practices represent a dedication to raising healthier, less chemically-contaminated cows. However, not every cow raised on the pasture is USDA Certified Organic, and not every organic cow is fed a 100% grass diet or allowed unlimited access to the range. According to the USDA, organic cattle are raised in conditions accommodating their natural behaviors (like the ability to graze on pasture), fed 100% organic feed and forage, and are not administered antibiotics or hormones. 

When you see the term “grass-fed,” this means the beef is produced from cattle that consumed grass and foraged as part of their diet at some point during their lives. Pasture-raised refers more specifically to where an animal eats (a pasture) as opposed to what (grass) an animal eats. It is an important distinction that pork and chicken can be pastured-raised but not entirely grass-fed as pigs and chickens can not survive solely on grass and require some grain in their diets. 

A grass-finished label means that cow ate nothing but grass or forage for their entire lifespan. Grass-finished beef tends to have a beefier texture and flavor- like wild game. Cattle that are grain-finished are fed grain for a few months leading up to when they are butchered. This is typically done in order to fatten them up. This beef tends to have higher fat levels overall and the flavor might be perceived as bolder and juicier.

At Cascade Organic we are committed to sourcing from farmers and ranchers who are committed to using the most sustainable and humane practices. Get to know some of our family of producers!

Painted Hills Natural Beef has been owned and operated by seven ranching families since 1996. They believe good land stewardship and humane animal welfare practices are essential for an exceptional product. The cattle of Painted Hills Natural graze on family farms throughout the Pacific Northwest, are fed a 100% vegetarian diet of locally-grown alfalfa, hay, barley, and corn, and are never given hormones or antibiotics. Painted Hills Natural Beef is consistently tender, juicy with a slightly sweet, buttery flavor, as a result of the custom grain blend their cattle are finished on.

Marion Acres is a two-family farm located in Hillsboro, Oregon, offering pasture-raised chicken, turkey, pork, beef, and eggs. They practice holistic land management and their animals are moved onto a fresh, thick section of pasture every day giving you the healthiest and most nutritious meat possible. Marion Acres processes their own poultry ensuring that each bird is treated humanely and processed with care.

Champoeg Farm’s turkeys and chickens are pasture-raised in St. Paul, Oregon, just 30 minutes south of Portland. Their birds live in open paddocks where they are moved frequently to fresh pasture to yield healthy, flavorful poultry. By exposing the animal to a variety of edibles and decreasing stress, the pasture method fosters a distinct, deep flavor. Humanely raised, and always antibiotic-free, Champoeg Farms poultry is processed at the peak of flavor right on the farm.

Revel Meat Co. is one of the last USDA meat processors in Oregon and they are committed to helping small and mid-size ranchers gain market access in Portland and surrounding areas. By supporting these farmers to get a fair price for the animals they raise, we can ensure that we will continue to have local meat in Oregon. Revel Meat partners with ranchers who practice environmental sustainability, unique raising practices, and humane handling practices.

Look for part two of this blog post where we talk about some of the different cuts of meat available at Cascade Organic and the best ways to prepare them!