Green Garlic, Leek Potato Soup


Yield: Serves six

  • ¾pound green garlic (weight includes stalks)

  • 2tablespoons extra virgin olive oil

  • 1pound leeks, white and light green parts only, rinsed thoroughly and sliced

  • 1small celery rib, sliced about ¼ cup

  • Salt to taste

  • 1pound Yukon gold or russet potatoes, peeled and diced

  • 1½quarts water, vegetable stock or chicken stock

  • A bouquet garni made with a bay leaf and 2 sprigs each thyme and parsley

  • Freshly ground pepper

  • ¼cup chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley


  1. Trim off the tough green ends of the garlic bulbs. If the garlic has formed cloves, separate them and remove the thick shells from the tender cloves. If it has not formed cloves, just remove the outside layers. Chop coarsely. You should have about 1 cup chopped green garlic.

  2. Heat the olive oil in a large, heavy soup pot over medium heat. Add the leeks, green garlic, celery and ½ teaspoon salt. Cook gently for five to 10 minutes until the vegetables have softened but not colored. Add the potatoes, water, bouquet garni and salt to taste. Bring to a boil, reduce the heat, cover and simmer 30 minutes.

  3. Purée the soup using an immersion blender. Alternatively, purée in a standing blender working in 1½-cup batches; pull a towel tightly over the top, rather than a tight-fitting lid, to prevent splashes. Put through a medium strainer, pressing the soup through with the back of a ladle or with a pestle. Reheat, taste and adjust salt. Add freshly ground pepper. Ladle into soup bowls, and sprinkle chopped fresh parsley, chervil or chopped fresh tarragon over each serving. Alternatively, chill and serve cold. You can thin out if you wish with milk or stock.

Haley Smith