Calabrian Fried Jimmy Nardello Peppers and Potato


·         6-8 Jimmy Nardello peppers, washed, cored and seeded and cut into chunks about 1 ½ – 2 1/3 inches

·         3-4 medium firm fleshed yellow potatoes, well scrubbed (no need to peel) and cut into bite-sized chunks.

·         3-4 tablespoons olive oil (or a bit more if things dry out)

·         Sea salt


1.   Heat the oil in the largest, heaviest skillet you have. When it’s hot but not smoking add the peppers and potatoes and toss well to coat with oil.

2.   Cook on high heat, stirring frequently until both potatoes and peppers are tender and almost blackened around the edges.

3.   Season liberally with sea salt. Serve hot.

Recipe by Katherine Deumling. Photo from

Haley Smith