Ingredients in an Organic Subscription Box

What if you could have a box of wholesome food delivered to your door each month? If you’re like most people, you may not know the exact ingredients that make up this delicious and often healthy way to eat. However, that doesn’t mean there isn’t any way to find out. Whether you’re already subscribing to such a box or want to start, this list of ingredients in an organic food subscription box will give you plenty of insight into what goes into this tasty yet healthy way to eat.

Pasture Raised Meat

Pasture raised meat options are growing every day, but if you’re looking for them, you can typically find beef, pork, turkey, chicken, sausages, bacon, and more. Pasture raised meat is generally less processed than conventional meats and doesn’t contain any unnecessary hormones or antibiotics. When looking for a meat subscription box, make sure to look for meat that meets these guidelines.

Seasonal Local Produce

One of the best ways to ensure you eat more healthy food is by subscribing to a fruit and vegetable subscription box from a company offering organic farm food delivery in West Linn. The box may contain mushrooms, wild rice, farm salad mix, local fresh eggs, and more. These boxes make sure you always have plenty of fresh produce on hand and may include items you can store for a long time.


Mushrooms are one of nature’s true super foods, with countless varieties providing a delicious source of vitamins and minerals. But it’s not just what you get from mushrooms that makes them so great. Wild-foraged mushrooms have been shown to have higher concentrations of antioxidants than their commercially cultivated counterparts. If you’re looking for even more nutrition, you can find wild-harvested foods to pair with your local organic food subscription box.


This is one of the best ingredients you can find in a food subscription box. It may include Southern Green Giant Mustard, Red Arrow Radish, and Rhubarb Colored Chard, and more. Each of these crops is grown on Organic Farms and can be found in various organic food subscription boxes. Mustard is a member of the cabbage family and is full of vitamin C. Radishes can be eaten raw or cooked and bring great flavor to any dish. Chard is loaded with vitamins A, C, E, and K and has significant magnesium, potassium, manganese, and phosphorus.

Summing Up

So that’s what goes into an organic food subscription box. If you’re ready to get one for yourself or a loved one, try it out today and get organic farm food delivery in West Linn to your doorstep, biweekly or monthly.