Cascade Organic

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Why Eat Local Produce

A new trend to support local farmers’ markets isn’t just about fun community activities or summertime shopping outdoors. It’s about supporting local farmers and providing communities access to local produce. While a grocery store might offer things like fruits and veggies, they don’t always come from your own community. Making the change to buying local food can mean a huge difference for you and your local farmers. Here’s why you should eat local produce.

The Benefits of Local Produce?

There are several benefits to local produce and supporting farmers in your area. Here are just a few major impacts this change in consumer behavior can have.

Keeping Dollars in the Community

When you shop at a grocery store, the produce often comes from other states or parts of the country. In these cases, money you spend leaves your community. Rather than give to those outside of your community, eating local produce means the dollars you spend stay in your community. This keeps local farmers working and your local economy more conducive for growth and prosperity for all.  The money spent locally multiplies as it is spent locally as well.

Better For You and the Planet

Sometimes, produce that is shipped can undergo changes in temperature and consistency that can make produce less than pristine. The travel can also harm the produce’s nutrient density and leave you with less positive vitamins and minerals by the time it hits your plate. Plus, driving produce cross-country releases toxic emissions into the atmosphere that contribute to global climate concerns. Help to lower carbon emissions, sustain produce’s nutrients, and eat fresher, healthier food by shopping local produce at a farmers market.

Push Back Against the Agricultural Industry

Local farmers work hard to produce fresh natural food, but major companies involved in the agriculture industry often promote GMO products and introduce harsh dangerous pesticides and herbicides. All in all, buying local produce ensures you support individuals who grow food for their community, not companies that only desire profits. 

From economic to health benefits, eating local produce pays off for all involved. A community is only as strong as its ability to come together, and buying and eating local produce is one of the most impactful ways to benefit farmers, personal health, and community cohesion all in one go.